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Before being assigned this project, i was not very familiar with my surroundings nor never really understood how conics let alone any type of math could be used in the real world/everyday life. When I was assigned this project, I was not to sure what to expect nor did I know what examples there were to choose from because I thought I would be very limited with my choices. Of course, I was wrong. Researching online, I found multiple examples I could use but limited myself from using them as I could not point out every conic and its significance as that would take a ridiculous amount of time. Practically, I learned that not only do conics deal with certain objects, but the whole world itself as in astronomy. Had it not been for conics, people and objects would not function the same way nor have a purpose. Completing this project, I now realize I should not ask the question, "when will I ever use this math in real life?", because chances are I have already used it in life but was too foolish and caught up to realize it. Conics are everywhere and even though they can be a pain to try and solve, they have contributed to mostly everything we see in life and allow us to live our lives. This is because conics are used in businesses to receive money, and that money is what people use to create a shelter/home for family. There is far too much to say about the importance and contribution of conics, but with this project I have just been introduced to everything conics can provide us with and that is happiness. In conclusion, as I became more and more involved with conics in trying to find what roles they play in everyday life, it has become much easier to point out and find where they are formed. 

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Conics Mash Up

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